DOASENSE - Products & Technology - Pioneering Point-of-Care Testing for DOACs

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Our Products & Technologies

Using our sophisticated technologies for assessing DOAC in urine we create unique products, providing meaningful data to health care professionals, all in an easy, rapid assessment process

The DOAC Dipstick Product

The DOAC Dipstick (TM) is the first point-of care testing system which can detect reliably and accurately whether a patient has taken Direct Oral Anti-Coagulants (DOAC), e.g. in critical care settings where every minute counts.

DOAC Dipstick is a diagnostic urine test strip, which is intended for qualitative detection of the absence or presence of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs: Dabigatran, Apixaban, Edoxaban and Rivaroxaban) in human urine by visual identification of colors.
The DOAC Dipstick is an in vitro diagnostic test intended for professional use only.
It has received the CE Mark, is registered with the Australian TGA and received ANVISA approval in Brazil.
One DOAC Dipstick pack includes 12 tests (test strips).

By its rapid, qualitative point-of-care testing, use of the DOAC Dipstick can support medical decision-making and help avoiding uncontrolled, potentially fatal bleeding, e.g. in emergency care situations or in surgical interventions.

DOACs are excreted to a large extent into urine by glomerular filtration and a urine-based test can provide greater accuracy than a blood test, as there are no adversely interacting proteins or blood cells. Thus, for our urine-based DOAC Dipstick test a high sensitivity and specificity has been demonstrated (see below).

The test product allows to identify the absence or presence of:
  • Direct oral Thrombin inhibitors  (Dabigatran - pad #4)
  • Direct oral Factor Xa inhibitors  (Apixaban, Edoxaban and Rivaroxaban - pad #3)
  • Urine color  (for avoiding that dark urine colors impact the DOAC test results - pad #2)
  • Creatinine  (for detection of low creatine levels in urine - pad #1)
by means of color changes based on a chemical reaction.
Results are ready after 10 min and are obtained by color identification with the naked eye or with the DOASENSE Reader:

The DOAC Dipstick can contribute important data in many situations when it is essential to be aware of the presence or absence of DOACs for further medical decision making and therapy planning, e.g.:
  • Ischemic and haemorrhagic stroke
  • Major trauma
  • Emergency procedures
  • Spontaneous thrombotic and  bleeding events
  • Acute surgery or invasive interventions
  • Indication for thrombolytic therapy
  • Known of suspicion of deterioration of renal function
  • Very elderly patients
  • Adherence to therapy
  • Unknown medical history

For purchase inquiries please contact our distribution partner for your respective country.
Please note that DOASENSE products are for health care professional use only!

Watch how the DOAC Dipstick works:
DOASENSE Technology Animation


Specially developed accessories complete the first suite of CE-marked products for rapid point-of-care DOAC testing:

Objective documentation of results can be achieved with the compact, semi-automatic DOASENSE Reader, or with our printed pocket-guide materials.

The DOASENSE Control Urines are specially designed reference substances to support your quality assurance needs.

Please contact our distribution partner for your respective country for any
purchase inquiries.
Note: DOASENSE products are for health care professional use only!

Listen to what opinion leaders think about DOASENSE's solutions:    (in German)

Our Data

Data on the DOAC Dipstick

Please also refer to our Resources page for the most recent published data on the DOAC Dipstick.

  • Harenberg J, Beyer-Westendorf J, Crowther M, Douxfils J, Elalamy I, Verhamme P, Bauersachs R, Hetjens S, Weiss C:
    Accuracy of a Rapid Diagnostic Test for the Presence of Direct Oral Factor Xa or Thrombin Inhibitors in Urine — A Multicenter Trial
    Thromb Haemost 2020; 120(01): 132-140

Our Intellectual Property

DOASENSE has compiled and owns a broad portfolio of international intellectual property for protecting its proprietary approaches to DOAC testing.
NOTE: DOASENSE(TM) products may not be available or approved in your country.

Copyright (c) 2016-2024 DOASENSE GmbH. All rights reserved.
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